4.1 Start up View (HOME Display)
Note: The displays shown above are examples. The actual display, which includes the analogue values and alarm states, depends upon the process conditions to which the controller is connected.
For example, an alarm condition might be shown on switch on by the beacon ALM and the message AL– flashing. This could be because the alarm setpoint has not yet been set up correctly. The alarm can be acknowledged as described in section 4.3.4 or the alarm setpoint changed as described in section 4.3.2.
Beacons 1 2 3 4 |
Alarm active (Red) |
1 |
Lit when output 1 is ON (typically heating) |
2 |
Lit when output 2 is ON (typically cooling ) |
3 |
Lit when output 3 is ON (808 & 804 only) |
4 |
Lit when output 4 is ON (typically alarm) |
Alternative setpoint in use (SP2) |
Digital communications active (flashing) |
Manual mode selected |
Operator Buttons |
Scroll button. Press to scroll forward through a list of parameters. Hold down to scroll continuously. |
Page button. Press to scroll back through a list of parameters. Hold down to select a different operating level. This button can be assigned a specific function – see ‘P’ code P73 section 5.2.18. By default it is Alarm Acknowledge. |
Press to decrease a value. |
Press to increase a value. |
Press |
Function key 1. By default this key selects Auto/Manual mode. |
These buttons are only available in 808 & 804. For functionality see section 5.2.18 |
Function key 2. By default this key has no function unless the timer is configured – see ‘P’ code 72 . |
Alpha-Numeric Display |
Top row |
Measured Temperature (Process Value, PV) or the value of a selected parameter |
* Second Line |
Target Temperature (Setpoint, SP) or the mnemonic of a selected parameter |
These are the default parameters. They may be customised to show alternative parameters to suit the requirements of a particular process, see section 5.2.19. |
* Third Line |
Output power demand (808 and 804 only) |